
pip pip cheerio // FAQ

this is going to be jesi's sketchblog :B i intended my eljay to be one, but that's just where i baw and talk about my life. none of that here.

let's answer some questions:

1) where am i/what's a sketchblog/what the hell, woman?
this is my sketchblog. a sketchblog is what it sounds like: a blog for sketches and drawings. i figured i should have a record of proof that i do shit and do not laze about, contrary to popular belief. maybe in the future i'll post videos and speedpaints to show how i do things visually instead of with different pictures for different days.

2) so who's all this art for?
my friends, myself, gifts for people i admire, really. sometimes you'll see school projects.

3) will you post any tutorials in the future?
perhaps. it depends on what's asked and what's wanted.

4) what references do you use?
posemaniacs, weheartit, deviantart, fotosearch, flickr.

5) can i use your art for anything? do you do trades/commissions/requests?
i don't mind necessarily (as long with proper credit) but this is technically for friends. i don't really do requests well (unless they're art trades, and even then, that's usually for friends.) commissions, i'm more inclined to because i get paid and i fancy having money.

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